Excalidraw Plus Roadmap

Look at where we are heading and see what features are coming soon!



  • backlog

    Nesting with folders

    Better organization for your drawings

  • backlog

    Activity feed

    View your and your team's recent activity

  • backlog

    Shared library

    Library shared across your team workspace, and
    personal library shared across devices

  • backlog



  • backlog

    Presenter notes

    Add notes to slides so you don't forget the important details.

  • backlog

    New library marketplace

    Share or use community created libraries

  • backlog


    Instead of deleteting you can archive your scenes and delete later.

  • backlog

    Better scene filtering

    Shared, read-only, presentations, better managment of your content

  • backlog

    Fulltext search

    Search inside of the scenes from anywhere

  • backlog

    Command palette for whole app

    Not just editor, but whole application can be managed by command pallete

  • backlog


    Self-host Excalidraw+ on your own premises

in progress

In Progress

  • in progress


    Track your drawings in time and revert if needed

  • in progress


    Pick from wider font pallete or add your custom font.

  • in progress

    Diagram layouts

    Speed up your diagram game with predefined layouts and behaviour.

  • in progress

    Elbow arrows

    Give your diagrams desired form fast.

  • in progress

    Search in libraries

    Improved UI and availability to search for specific items.

  • in progress

    Database migration

    Improving your scene performance and allowing us to ship other features. Faster.

  • in progress

    SOC2 certification

    Proof that we take security seriously

  • in progress

    Screensharing during calls

    Have even better calls & collaboration on the scene



  • shipped

    Editor command palette

    For power users who prefer keyboard

  • shipped

    PDF, PPTX export

    Export your drawing & presentations to additional formats

  • shipped


    Build-in presentations to share your ideas with
    your team and clients in a more engaging way

  • shipped

    Voice hangouts

    Describe, brainstorm, present and more with audio right within the scene.

  • shipped

    Read-only links

    Simplified sharing with no scene collaboration,
    enables better third-party integrations

  • shipped

    Tweaked arrows-object binding

    No more unwanted joints. Bind arrows to other elements. Not the other way around.

  • shipped

    Individual undo/redo

    Undo/redo only what you created. Makes collaboarating smoother and more organized.

  • shipped

    Improved comments

    Comments now stick to elements. You can add emoji in or react with emoji to the comment.

  • shipped

    Generative AI

    Text to diagram, Mermaid syntax or wireframe to code with extended usage in E+.
    More AI features coming soon.


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